These methods are implemented by Tree version 0.4.0
change value of currentPath
send message to the node specified by currentPath
remove a node and all its children
determine whether this dictionary has the named method.
returns the full path to the executable that implements the method for this Dictionary
syntax: isMethod methodName
returns the name of the executable.
resolve in this order:
local method: methodName
common method: Dictionary.methodName
determine if a path represents a valid node
path is either relative or absolute
if relative, is relative to currentPath
the absolute path if it exists, null string otherwise.
list all nodes that are children of the specified one
create a node in a Tree
path may be absolute or relative to currentPath. cloneOf specifies an optional dictionary to clone.
create root node of a Tree
cloneOf specifies an optional dictionary to clone.
reference a node in a Tree
path is either relative or absolute
if relative, is relative to currentPath
For a dictionary, parses a message and converts it to a canonical form of method arguments
specifically (apart from the normal key syntactic sugar),
path message converts to node path message
returns a message in the form method arguments
NOTE This uses a deprecated methodology which is no longer consistent with other Offsiders. Should just override sugar instead.
remove a node only if there are no children
syntax: $ removeNode path
reference the root node of a Tree
walk through the tree structure, sending a particular message to each node in turn
start at node path
if depthFirst is specified, descend down into each node's children before sending the message to that node.
The default is to send the message to a node before descending down into that node's children.
(20090617 20:25:57) This page was produced by rsml2html using the file TreeAPI-0.4.0 as its source document